Client API Documentation
Alike v7.5 (A3) introduces a customer facing API that can be used to monitor and query the state of your jobs, schedules, VMs, and backups. Note: The output of all API calls is json encoded structures.
This API requires that you place your API key (configurable in the A3 UI Setting) in the Authorization field of the http request. Your API key can be found/configured in the Alike System Settings page under Web Manager Settings.
Curl Usage Example:
curl -H "AUTHORIZATION: <API KEY>" http://<A3 IP Address>/ws/api/vms
Example output:
[{"vmid":"1","uuid":"cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc","name":"Debian Server","type":"2","timestamp":"1721387826","size":"67179869184"} ]
Available Methods:
vms List all VMs and Agents
vm?uuid=<uuid of system> List all backups of specified system (by uuid)
hosts List all defined hosts
jobs List all active jobs
joblog?id=<job id>
schedules List all defined job schedules