A3 Release Notes 7.2 build 9600b

Alike v7.2.0 build 9600b

Released: 6/18/2024

This is a minor bugfix release.

Bug Fixes

  1. Resolves all known issues gating GFS2 SR support in the A3
  2. Fixes issue in FLR with newer ReFS NTFS Windows filesystems. These filesystems now correctly populate in file-level restore
  3. Resolves spurious error generated on blank Xen CBT runs if nothing has changed on a disk
  4. Adds customizable commitLeaseTimeoutMinutes to allow for very large data commits, supporting rare customer situations
  5. Fails fast when certain snapshot operations fail in Xen
  6. Improves stray VDI checking for GFS2 backups
  7. Addresses GFS2 false-positive detection issue
  8. Resolves issue in ABD replication where not enough swap space is available for very large, multidisk systems
  9. Fixes rare bug in ABD checkout from UI where ABD checkout locks were disregarded

Known Issues

  1. Users upgrading from A2/v6 may experience browser session issues during initial setup that require login/logout to resolve
  2. Dashboard reports Docker container CPU and NIC utilization only, and cannot display all sources of network activity