Drive [X]: does not support write range tracking

Problem: You receive the message Drive [X]: does not support write range tracking. Please see Quadric Software KB for information on write range tracking.

Solution: Troubleshoot the volume using fsutil usn queryJournal [x]:

Quadric Software uses the Microsoft USN write range tracking feature to make CBT backup more efficient. 

You can troubleshoot and tune range tracking on the Windows command-line using fsutil. fsutil queryjournal will tell you about the USN journal for your volume. Calling fsutil enableRangeTracking will mimic the call the A3 makes to your filesystem to prepare it for CBT. Any errors Alike encounters you will also see, enabling you to research the root cause and intervene.

Please note that you can still run CBT jobs on Windows systems without range tracking, and for some systems, range tracking makes little difference. Range tracking is used to track changes within files, and can prevent small writes from marking an entire file as changed. 

For example, if you have a database with large files, and only small sections of these files changes between backup, it would likely be more efficient to enable write range tracking. But if you have a system with lots of small files, the benefit of write range tracking is more negligible.

For more information on write range tracking and USN administration, please see: