A2 Release Notes 6.2 #8357

Alike v6.2 build 8357

Released: 12/9/2019

A stabilization update. All A2 customers are encouraged to upgrade to this build.

Update is critical for CBT backup users.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes critical issue with CBT backup jobs for those customers running an A2 with an ADS block size setting greater than 512KB. This issue can cause changes in backup data to not be processed correctly
  • Fixes an issue with custom ABD MACs being correctly applied and used by XenServer
  • Fixes bug where license keys were erroneously required in order to perform restores from within the A2 WebUI
  • Fixes issue with Q-Hybrid backup where customers who have selected a 512KB ADS block size were instead getting Q-Hybrid backups of 1MB

Known Issues

  • "alike" user for RestoreFS does not always change password properly
  • LVM file-level restore not supported for RestoreFS (full restores are supported)
  • Deleting an entire VM from the UI will remove it to be lost from any configured jobs
  • Dashboard graph empty on first day after initial install and setup