Benchmarking with FIO

Problem: You want to benchmark the underlying performance of your ADS

Solution: Use the FIO package to benchmark random I/O

If you are curious about your backup or restore performance, and want to determine the fundamentals of your storage, the FIO tool can run random reads or writes against your storage to get you an idea of your theoretical throughput. This throughput won't be exactly what you see during backups or restores--there are many other factors involved in that--but it does suggest what your ceiling should be.

Take the following steps to install fio and run a test

  1. sudo apk add fio
  2. nano test.fio
  3. paste in the config below under "test.fio contents"
  4. save and exit nano
  5. sudo fio test.fio

test.fio contents:









This will test read throughput at 1MB blocks, which represents a reasonable test of block writes for the default Alike installation, that uses 2MB precompressed blocks that will average in the neighborhood of 1MB, rough-and-ready. If you are using a different block size, adjust accordingly.

Testing read performance will help you predict restore performance. To test write throughput, change

rw=randread to rw=randwrite

Please also see

Understanding Restore Performance

Customizing A3 Storage