Hyper-V Host Has No VMs

If you have added a Hyper-V host to your A2 to protect, but it does not list any VMs, please take the following steps to intervene.

  1. Check antivirus on the Hyper-V host. The A2 uses WMI to connect to your Hyper-V server and Winexesvc.exe (C:\Windows\Winexesvc.exe). This executable will need to be whitelisted, though we always recommend testing with AV disabled. Also check firewall rules as well.
  2. Check CIFS/SMB access. The A2 uses your hosts' admin share (admin$) to access it. If the machine is domain-joined, there may be group policies that disable access. Try connecting to the HV host without domain credentials, using non-domain credentials instead.
  3. Check IP/routing. Make sure your A2 can ping the host and it's resolving correctly.

After trying these steps, please try to re-enumerate the host. You can do so under the Hosts page of the UI.