Setup S3 Compatible Cloud Storage

S3 Compatible Cloud Storage

The A2 can utilize any cloud storage that is 100% compatible with Amazon's S3 API. This includes (but is not limited to):

Google Cloud Storage

IBM Cloud Object Storage


Exoscale (Europe)

Or using S3 compatibility software:


S3Proxy (Backblaze B2, EMC Atmos, Microsoft Azure, Openstack Swift)

Setup Procedure

To setup your S3 compatible storage on your A2 is simple. Just access your A2's console, and follow the steps below.

Note: Using an SSH client (like putty) can make some of the copy/paste steps a bit easier.

1. From the main menu, choose "Configure Backup Storage"

2. Then choose "Configure Offsite Vault Storage (ODS)"

3. Select New Vault

4. Then choose Amazon S3 (or compatible)

5. Enter your Access Key, Secret Key, and Bucket from the steps above

6. Select "Add Custom Region", and enter your cloud provider's enpoint url (eg. or

7. Save, and complete the setup

Once that setup complete, the A2 will need to create the ODS file structure, which can take a few minutes. After that is done, you can start sending vaults to your cloud based ODS.

Please note:

Some cloud vendors may require extra steps to "enable S3 compatibility". For specific instructions on Google's Cloud Storage interoperability configuration, please see the following KB article.